Not having Wi-Fi for days kinda sucks

28 Dec, 2024

Had a situation just until today that since Wednesday, we did not have internet or television until today late afternoon. We were told it was due to the snow that we had, but it stopped being bad after maybe day one. It made no sence that we didn't have it for so long. Both of my parents called the operator multiple times a day until they actaully got the issue fixed today. Just glad that this is all over since it would've been an issue if we had to wait for the new years without it, it would kinda suck. Even if I'm not staying hope for it, they will be, and it's not fun to just have the radio on for that. At least all of that is over.

This also made me problems, since I couldn't post my Secret Santa gifts until today. It was still withing the deadline, so no problem there, but it was annoying becausew I got by gift on the first psoting day (25th) and my giftee had to wait until today. At least that's off my chest now.

I love burgers

07 Dec, 2024

Sometimes we get to order these burgers from an app for ordering food. We tired it because one day I just suggested getting something we usually don't and these were on the front page and we tried it out. It was quite nice, and now any time we order burgers we order from there.

They are a bit pricier, but man, they taste great. They're in a similar price range to McDonalds but taste 10 times better. We only order burgers and then make fries by ourselves since it's cheaper to buy a 1kg bag of fries than to buy a measly 200g of it at the restaurant we're ordering from.

We're eating them tonight again. They're a nice treat to have every once in a while.

So happy about Infinity Nikki

03 Dec, 2024

Infinity Nikki is going to be released in 2 days and I'm very happy. I've been waiting for the game for a little while, since the beginning of the year, and I'm still very excited. Right now I'm downloading it, so it will take a little while as it is a bigger game, but it will be worth it to have it pre-installed since then I don't have to wait on the 5th for everything to download. There might be a small download on that day, but not enough to make me worry about it.

I'll still have it on both PC and mobile, mainly for just in case. I can leave and be away from home sometimes without PC so it's better to have it there too. For now, it's not too big of a game to worry about it taking up much space on the phone, and on PC so far I can download the initial version. When it becomes larger it's going to be a problem, but hopefully by then I'll solve my storage issues.

Last writing push before the end of the year

29 Nov, 2024

Since it's almost the end of 2024, I'll probably be doing a writing push in December to try and get some stuff finished. This time I have 3-4 fics in mind, of which one is a chapter for a long-fic. Last year I had I think 4 or 5 of fics to work on like that. This time, most of the things I'm working on either have a smaller word count in mind but one fic, so there shouldn't be too much of a problem. 2 out of 4 works for this are already started, so I just have to lock in and finish it before the end of the year. It shouldn't be too hard for it to be finished. Two have a required word count, of which one is a lot shorter than the other, so it won't be a problem. The other one is a bit tricky due to the topic not being something I'm used to, but I still have to get it done asap. Don't need it to prolong more than it already has been.

After I finish those, I'll focus on working on other things that have no time limit or word count. Maybe a more relaxed event of some sort. I need to get into a better writing habit, but due to uni, it's a bit harder to do so. Hopefully, it'll balance out soon.

The annoyance of how people are on social media regarding. well. the social aspect

25 Nov, 2024

One of the things that will always be very, very annoying on how "social media sucks" and how people talk about it. Maybe this is just me, but man, the way people talk about it tells me that they don't really know how to use it. Utilizing what social media gives you (the block button and ability to engage or not engage with things). I don't understand why not using it is now apparently a problem.

Now, this might be me and the fact that I use an ad blocker, so when I'm on pc (which is most of the time for social media) I never see stupid ads that Twitter has. I also don't understand how people get random shit on their for you pages when most of what I get are either my mutuals or things related to the fandom I'm in. I never get things I don't care about on it. I won't talk for things related to non-fandom spaces, since I am aware those are different, but even then it feels like people aren't doing what they are supposed to do to moderate their online experience. I wish some people put more care into that over complaining how social media is bad when they, in fact, have control over what they see, as long as they put a little bit of effort into maintaining it.