A bingo dedicated to all the stuff I want to write this year. It is as follows:
Finnish all of 'Let me down slowly' chapters | Finish 'A little more warmth' | Write for a new ship | Finish at least one dol au fic | Write a trope I have never written for previously |
Finish 'Love like no other' bang fic | Write the annual 5th January fic | Write a Joscarl skin ship I haven't previously done | Write more Antodrew fics | Finish 'Lifeless Stars' |
Write more AnnGala | Rewrite one of my old bsd fics | Free space | Start working on the big Antodrew fic that has been in plans since 2023 | Finish most of the 'Garden of eden' fics |
Write a Haseli fic | Finish a bingo card for an event | Write more of 'It's hard to say that everything will be okay' fic | Write more side stories for 'Lifeless Stars' | Write more DMNoir |
Star working on 'Cabin at the top of the mountain' | Experiment more with the forced marrige & arranged marrige tropes | Write for a new fandom | Crossdressing fic | Write a doflamingo/law fic |
Out of all of this, finishing 'Lifeless Stars' is probably the most ambitious one, as as of the moment of me making this bingo, I am still not halfway through the story. Since there is a lot of opeprtunities for me to write, I might be able to do this.
On free space: a prompt will be added under it once something interesting appeares that could go there. can be something similar to the already existing prompts or something completly different. Only time will tell what it will be.
On updating:When one of the things is finished, depending on what it is, it will either be linked to if it's a fic or be bolded if it's a goal for something that i can't post yet (event fic that needs to be posted at specific time or work that isn't posted but was rather just something to work on and not finish still).
My goal is to get at least one column or row finished. I think this is a doable thing for me! Want to have more fun with writing this year, and hopefully this handy bingo will help me out in that!